I plan to publish Gnarled Oak four times per year, the first issue slated for November 2014. In the spirit of honoring this site’s past as a micropoetry blog and because editing a journal is a new adventure for me, we’re going to start small with a micro-poetry, prose, video, art, whatever issue. I’m accepting submissions on a rolling basis, so I’m also reading for the Winter 2015 issue. Issue specific guidelines are below, and general submission information is on the submissions page.
Please consider submitting, and do help spread the word.
Submissions for Fall 2014 close at midnight October 31, 2014. Submissions for Winter 2015 close at midnight on December 31, 2014.
Thank you.
Fall 2014: Micro Issue
For the Fall 2014 issue, we’re starting small. Please adhere to the General Submission Guidelines below, but for this issue, we would like to see micropoetry, microfiction, videopoems based on micropoetry, and artwork that works with this micro/starting small theme. We’re going to follow the Twitter model, and ask that all submitted writing be tweetable. That doesn’t mean you need to be on Twitter, it just means we’re setting a 140-character limit for each submitted piece.
Regarding micropoetry… anything goes. You can submit haiku, senryu, tanka, gogyohka, small stones, lunes, haibun (for which we will accept work that goes a bit over the 140-character limit), or anything else that works. We’re not strict formalists here; just make sure the words work.
Regarding artwork… we like haiga and haiga-like things, but we’re also open to images and artwork that fit with the overall small/micro theme of the issue.
Winter 2015
This is an un-themed issue. As always, we’re looking for your best poetry, short prose, artwork, and videos. See the general submission guidelines below for more details.