To Johannesburg, with love

by on Nov 23, 2017

(for Voldi and his love for opera)

      A flock of stars. Stars in her
      eyes. And so, I closed myself
      off to the outside world. The
      tired, miserable outside world.

And said this, that people have nothing to do with me

      and I have nothing to do with
      people but I fell in love with
      the city and the city fell in love with me. Boots, jeans and all.

The pulsing sun lit up something inside

      of me. And I finally learned what it was to walk on the kingdom
      of dry land. To clasp that

tender prize of pure rain in my hands.


Abigail George is a South African blogger, poet, short story writer, aspirant young adult novelist and playwright. She briefly studied film at the Newtown Film and Television School in Johannesburg. She received two grants from the National Arts Council, Centre for the Book and ECPACC. Her fiction “Wash Away My Sins” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She blogs at Abigail George’s Blog.