Wintry Seascape

by on Feb 17, 2015

Orangey to dark red sun over the flat, still,
greenish lagoon that no passing boat will stir
nor crease, nor move to compassion.

All shades of blue, the blues of a still life
by the sea, blend with the strokes of sunset
above the old church on the island,

waiting for the next fisherman
to come and deliver
his vow.


Massimo Soranzio lives about 20 miles from Trieste, on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy, where he teaches English as a foreign language and English literature. He’s been a journalist, a translator, and a freelance lecturer on Modernist literature and literary translation. In April 2014, he took part in the Found Poetry Review’s Oulipost challenge. Some of his poems can be found on his blog, or published online.

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