There was an Old Man who supposed by Edward Lear (1846)

by on Mar 29, 2016



There was an Old Man who supposed
That the street door was partially closed;
But some very large Rats ate his coats and his hats,
While that futile Old Gentleman dozed.


Edward Lear used to illustrate his limericks with drawings. My answer is the photograph of graffiti street art I took in London, UK.

—Olivier Schopfer


Olivier Schopfer lives in Geneva, Switzerland, the city with the huge lake water fountain. He likes capturing the moment in haiku and photography. His work has appeared in The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2014 as well as in numerous online and print journals. He also writes articles in French about etymology and everyday expressions at Olivier Schopfer raconte les mots.

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