In case you missed the announcement on my other blog… my book Birds Nobody Loves is now available. It’s a collection of poems about vultures and grackles and includes four pages of small stones, a few of which first appeared here, at a handful of stones, in Pay Attention: A River of Stones Anthology from last January or one of my gnarled oak chapbooks.
The paperback version of Birds Nobody Loves is currently available through Amazon and CreateSpace and should be showing up in various other online booksellers as they update databases. For those interested in an e-version, it’s available in EPUB format through Lulu and the iBookstore and for those of you with Kindles, you can find it in the Kindle store.
My sincerest thanks to all of you who’ve read, commented, and retweeted some of the small stones and other poems contained in the book. I hope you’ll check it out.