the globe in my pocket

by on Oct 12, 2015

i shall squeeze the globe
tuck it into my pocket

like a child
with coins and pebbles
stuffed in the left of his shorts
i shall rub africa against the americas
asia and antarctica and australia

with a rope picked in europe
i shall bind the stones and pebbles
into one whole lump

and when i am done
i shall pull it out
out of my pocket again

and zip it up, the lump
with a glowing holy kiss


Ehizogie Iyeomoan​ is a Nigerian boy who loves to write poems in lower case letters. His ‘beaded words’ have appeared in many literary journals, anthologies; both print and electronic. His debut poetry collection, Flames of the Forest was published in April 2015 and is available on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter @fulanibuoy.