paddling sea kayaks

by on Dec 2, 2014


paddling sea kayaks
into black ink
and prehistoric forests
we realised
how young we were


Robyn Cairns is a Melbourne based poet who shares her poetry and photography on twitter. Robyn enjoys writing about nature and her local industrial landscape. She has a passion for photography and being outdoors. Robyn is continuously inspired by other poets on platforms such as twitter – she can be found @robbiepoet. She is also a proud member of an online Haiku group called The Banyan Tree. She has recently had the honour of being published in Bright Stars tanka journal volumes 2, 3, 5 and 6 and has also been recently published in Cattails and The Bamboo Hut.


by on Nov 25, 2014


eventide a gull’s cry so familiar


Shloka Shankar is a freelance writer residing in India. Her work appears in two dozen anthologies including Chronicles of Urban Nomads, The Dance of the Peacock, Emanations IV, The Living Haiku Anthology, Family Matters, The Traversal of Lines, and Eastern Voices among others. Her poems, erasures, haiku, tanka, and haibun, have appeared in numerous print and online journals.

ventilator machine

by on Nov 18, 2014


ventilator machine
a sound louder
than my heartbeat


Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books – 14 Pearls of Inspiration, The Road to a Positive Life, A Haiku Per Day and The Fragrance of a Beautiful Life. She often participates in short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies – New Love: Anthology of Short Stories and 12 Facets of a Crystal. She has seen her short stories, poems and haiku published in other anthologies as well – A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity and Ripples of Love. She has also been actively involved in the editing and book designing of these two anthologies.

crows perched on wire

by on Nov 13, 2014


crows perched on wire
the sky divides into halves
the line between us


Erica Goss is the Poet Laureate of Los Gatos, CA, and the host of Word to Word, a show about poetry. She is the author of Wild Place (Finishing Line Press 2012) and Vibrant Words: Ideas and Inspirations for Poets (PushPen Press 2014). Her poems, reviews and articles appear widely, both on-line and in print. She won the 2011 Many Mountains Moving Poetry Contest and was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2010 and 2013. She writes The Third Form, a column about video poetry, for Connotation Press. Please visit her at:; she blogs at

gnarled oak

by on Nov 11, 2014


gnarled oak
planted long ago…
many battles


Patricia Geyer, an amateur photographer and poet, lives in East Brunswick, NJ, USA. Her home is surrounded by many parks and lakes, and she walks every day to find her inspiration in Nature. She has been published in Bright Stars, Moonbathing, Kokako, The Bamboo Hut, Undertow Tanka Review and Akitsu Quarterly.