all your broken promises

by on Feb 10, 2015


all your broken promises        cactus flowers


Olivier Schopfer lives in Geneva, Switzerland, the city with the huge lake water fountain. He likes capturing the moment in haiku and photography. His work has appeared in The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2014 as well as in numerous online and print journals. He also writes articles in French about etymology and everyday expressions:


by on Feb 3, 2015

motionless _ Shloka


Note: ‘motionless’ is a found/erasure haiku from Elizabeth Bishop’s “Large Bad Picture”

Shloka Shankar is a freelance writer residing in India. Her work appears in over two dozen international anthologies including publications by Paragram, Silver Birch Press, Minor Arcana Press, Harbinger Asylum, Kind of a Hurricane Press and Writing Knights Press among others. Her poems, erasures, haiku & tanka have appeared in numerous print and online journals. She is also the editor of the literary and arts journal, Sonic Boom.

hibiscus and jasmine

by on Jan 20, 2015


hibiscus and jasmine
the whiff of other places
in my tea


Marianne Paul is a Canadian poet and novelist. Recently, she has been focusing on minimalist poetry – primarily haiku and tanka. You can learn more about her work at or on Twitter @mariannpaul.

my shadow

by on Jan 19, 2015


my shadow
walking across
the white neighbor’s driveway …
he yells, Go back where you’re from


Chen-ou Liu is the author of five books, including Following the Moon to the Maple Land (First Prize Winner, 2011 Haiku Pix Chapbook Contest) and A Life in Transition and Translation (Honorable Mention, 2014 Turtle Light Press Biennial Haiku Chapbook competition). His tanka and haiku have been honored with many awards. Read more of his poems at Poetry in the Moment.

nail art

by on Jan 15, 2015


nail art-
the guitarist’s fingers flash
the colors of Advent


Dr. Angelee Deodhar, an eye surgeon by profession, is a haiku poet, translator and artist from India. Her haiku, haibun, and haiga have been published internationally in various books, journals and on the internet. Her work has been translated into many languages including Japanese, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, German, French, Serbian and several Indian languages. She considers haiku to be a medium for international friendship and peace.

Four Haiku

by on Dec 4, 2014


Threesome …
they lie in bed together
petting the cat


quarreling sparrows
the old woman says a gray dove
is their mother


Bright wind
a white cloud of ibis
touch the earth


Green trees
and silver clouds
no poems but this


Kris Lindbeck writes haiku etc on Twitter @krislindbeck & recently published in M.Kei’s Bright Stars, Skylark Tanka, & an essay on senryu in Simply Haiku.