Night Court

by on Aug 17, 2015

(Watch Marie Craven’s video of “Night Court” on Vimeo)

Editor’s note: the text of the Erica Goss poem “Night Court” and her bio can be read at The Poetry Storehouse.


Marie Craven is a media maker and musician from the Gold Coast, Australia. She has been engaged in online collaboration since 2007 and has contributed to works with artists in many different parts of the world. Website:


by on Jul 21, 2015

(Watch Marie Craven’s video of “Security” on Vimeo)

Editor’s note: the text of the Laura M. Kaminski poem “Security” and her bio can be read at The Poetry Storehouse.


Marie Craven is a media maker and musician from the Gold Coast, Australia. She has been engaged in online collaboration since 2007 and has contributed to works with artists in many different parts of the world. Website:

Solar Therapy (Remix)

by , on Jul 7, 2015

Editor’s Note: While Issue 3 was running, Marie Craven made this wonderful video remix of Michele S. Cornelius’s poem “Solar Therapy.” Check it out, and stay tuned for Issue 4, which will be starting soon.

(Watch “Solar Therapy” on Vimeo)


Marie Craven is a media maker and musician from the Gold Coast, Australia. She has been engaged in online collaboration since 2007 and has contributed to works with artists in many different parts of the world. Website:

Michele S. Cornelius lives in Southeast Alaska where she works on photographic art and fills notebooks with poems.

The Red Drum

by on May 21, 2015

(Watch Marie Craven’s video of “The Red Drum” on Vimeo)

Editor’s note: the text of the Cristina Norcross poem “The Red Drum” and her bio can be read at The Poetry Storehouse.

Marie Craven is a media maker and musician from the Gold Coast, Australia. She has been engaged in online collaboration since 2007 and has contributed to works with artists in many different parts of the world. Website:

Sakura Yama

by on May 8, 2015
[vimeo 97047467 w=650]

(Watch Bobie’s video of “Sakura Yama” on Vimeo)


Born in 1969, Bobie (Yves Bommenel) is a multi-fields artist. If he writes, plays or makes movies, poetry remains his way. His video poems don’t try to illustrate poetry. The goal is to confront texts, sounds and images. His filmpoems are about these changes of meaning which give birth to a new poetic object. A quest for a “videopoetique” somehow.


by on Apr 24, 2015

(watch “Penelopiad” and read Jade’s process notes on Youtube)


First 5 came, then 50, 120!
But what could I do? What could I say?
I am just one woman, I can’t make them go away.
It was love, or so the story goes.
Flattery disguised as unkindness, friends acting like foes.

Then another 5, another 50, an extra 380!
But I couldn’t stop them coming, I couldn’t make them not stay.
I’m just a fragile human being, I’ve got to live each day by day.
It was because of their desire, their passion, the supposed ‘force of nature’,
That made them behave like animals, like sickly beastly creatures.

A final 5? The last 50? A total 730?
But. No more buts, I’ll use my wit to succeed.
No more oppressed female victim.
I’ll use my will power to achieve.
To help me in this task I chose my four favourite maids.

Kerthia, Narcissa, Selene and Melantho of the Pretty Cheeks,
But though they promised me their faithfulness,
They deceived me like, whores, no less.
Then a mere man came and saved me, a hero concealed.
And killed all in sight just as I, the woman, had willed.

No more 50 or 380 or even maids to comfort me,
But this is what I wanted, to be an independent woman,
A mother and a wife, with just her husband and her son.
Who needs maids? Who needs the hundreds? Who needs anyone but herself?
Who wants love? Who wants comfort? Just shroud me with my wealth.


Jade Anouka is an actor and poet. Combining the two, she has a love for performing poetry and has featured at many venues across London and New York. These include Farrago, Apples & Snakes, Proud Camden and The Bowery NYC.
She has just been offered a poety book contract from Poetry Space and is looking forward to launching her first collection of poems.

Everything but the Sky

by on Apr 10, 2015
[vimeo 113256358 w=650]

(watch Swoon’s video of “Everything but the sky” on Vimeo)


Filmmaker’s notes:

Film (concept, add. camera, editing & music) by Swoon for 2 poems from the collaboration chapbook Everything but the Sky by Meg Tuite and David Tomaloff

Poem “No Code” & voice by David Tomaloff
Poem “I am walking beside me” by Meg Tuite

Essentially, EVERYTHING BUT THE SKY explores the way that dream logic and interpretation often work in context to ordinary events taking place within our daily lives. Think of it as reverse dream interpretation–each of David Tomaloff’s  poems is a dream poem whose images might have been the manifestation of the thoughts, emotions, and events that each of Meg Tuite’s flash pieces describe before it. In this way, each pair of poems is a complete set, and, likely, one could begin to see a greater narrative as one begins joining these sets. –David Tomaloff

I created a soundtrack around David’s own narration of his poem and presented that scape with a (horizontal split screen) film composition with Meg’s poem appearing as text on screen. –Swoon


Swoon (a.k.a. Marc Neys) is a videopoetry addict and has more than 200 international collaborations to his name. His videos and soundscapes were selected for festivals everywhere. In 2014 Already Dead tapes released Swoon’s first album Words/No Words. You can dive into his works at and

a thread of scarlet

by on Jan 30, 2015

(Watch a thread of scarlet on Vimeo)

a thread of scarlet

a thread of scarlet

lost oboe
or the shortest distance

between the shadow
of the elm
and your keening mind

this is the house
we will not live in

this is the exhausted gardenia
asking why the twilight
no longer beckons


N. S. is the author of Forever Will End On Thursday and Dark and Like A Web, both published under the poetry nanopress model with partner editors. She co-founded and curates The Poetry Storehouse, which showcases “great contemporary poems for creative remix.’’ N. S. blogs at Very Like A Whale and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Yew Journal, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Anti-, MiPOesias, Blue Fifth Review, Snakeskin and elsewhere.


by on Jan 23, 2015

(watch Leave-taking & read Dave’s process notes on Vimeo)


the trees react to colder nights by stripping naked
the meadow too

it’s as if they’re about to set off somewhere
all excess baggage is left at the gate

the sun too is a budget traveler
abandoning most of the sky
the days are so quiet now

take me with you
even if there’s nowhere to go
even if it means leaving myself behind


Dave Bonta edits Moving Poems, a site devoted to videopoetry and poetry film, and is in his third year of making daily erasure poems from the 17th-century diary of Samuel Pepys.