Stars do not say goodnight
They are born in the dark
like new eyes of roses,
they come softly and madly
into the sky
We know their light
turned to eyes on the river
We found them one night,
and howled to the void
We see,
for they have given eyes to faces
And through eons they have torn
across light years of shadow
to find us,
to raise this planet out of night
The stars are dancing
In them we have witnessed
that same fire
that sings through bones,
that whispers eyes open
They do not say goodnight—
when they are old
they tear outward in every direction
claiming every object,
every atom,
and after all screams
there comes a reconvening—
eons of beauty
into inches of beautiful dust—
the stars do not say goodnight
to us.
Luis Neer is an alumnus of the creative writing program at the 2014 West Virginia Governor’s School for the Arts, and his poems have appeared in Maudlin House; Literary Orphans; Squawk Back; The Rain, Party & Disaster Society and elsewhere. He tweets @LuisNeer.